Adjusting to "reality" has been a challenge and I find myself in a bit of a situationally-induced depression after coming off of the high of traveling. Over the course of our travels, I found myself able to loosen up and let go of the rigid exercise and food rules, able to enjoy my time with my family and go with the flow. It was a much-needed break from the day-to-day routine.
A couple of days into my trip, I received an email from my boss (at the group home for adolescent boys with special needs that I am working part-time at) that a full time position had opened up. We proceeded to correspond about my interest in the position, which led to her seemingly informally offering it to me, which I was extremely ecstatic about. I felt as though things had finally fallen into place and it gave me a much-needed sense of peace knowing I had found something secure, stable. I was elated at the thought of landing a "real" job and finally moving past this awkward, uncomfortable limbo phase.

This theme of trusting in the unknown, in God, in the universe, to let go of the fear that keeps me stuck in my ways and unable to look past the temporary discomfort of the unknown, keeps showing up time and time again. The situations that keep presenting themselves all go back to this lesson, to teach me that I can't keep holding onto these fears, the fear of the future, of not being in control, of not having a "plan."
When I thought I had gotten the job, I heard this inner voice say, "See, I told you; everything always works out." It's amazing though how much time I spend worrying about things not working out and focusing all my energy on this. So, as much as I'd like to say I am not afraid to trust my unknown future to a known God, I can't say I'm there yet. I want to let go of the fear and just keep living my life as though this fear does not weigh me down as much as I let it.
Coming off of this high of a vacation and the brief high of believing I had landed a job, I'm yet again trying to find my footing, some sense of purpose and sense of worth. It's funny how much emphasis we put on external factors to determine our worth, but how can we not place some value in this? I think having a purpose, whether it be a job or volunteer work or your role in the family can positively serve to aid our sense of worth. But, it's a fine line between placing all our worth in these roles we play and in simply using them to add to our happiness.
All rambling aside, I know this theme, this lesson of trusting in the unknown, letting go of the fear and having faith that things will work out, is going to keep surfacing, probably stronger each time until I start learning the lesson. So, heeding the wise words of Corrie ten Boom, I am going to keep working toward this sense of intuitive trust, in myself, in my abilities, in the future, in God, letting go of the illusion of fear, and moving forward as best I can, into the unknown.
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